Programs for Adults

Adult Learner Program

We have awarded $145,000 to adult learners since 2002.

$750 Bursary (Bursary and Application Form 2019 Deadline November 27, 2019)
This bursary is a $750 grant for adults who are working toward a grade 12 certificate or grade 12 equivalency (GED).

We will award three bursary this fall.

$1500 Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to someone who has demonstrated determination in completing their GED and plans to continue their education.

2017 Winner Kyla Thomson

“Making the decision to return to school has been one of the most rewarding and gratifying experiences of my life.”
Agnes MacDonald winner of the PEI Literacy Alliance Adult Bursary
“Now that I am finished and graduation is upon me this week, I can’t begin to explain the way I feel. Excited, grateful, emotional, confident all rolled up into one. It’s just an amazing feeling, and I never expected it. I would recommend returning to school to anyone, at any age. Remember: ‘better late than never.'”
AnnaMarie Drake


of working aged Islanders have low-literacy skills

“At 57 years of age, I am just learning how much I have missed out on by not being able to read. Literacy Alliance has helped me over the last two years. I have a great tutor. My reading and spelling have improved a lot.”
PEI Volunteers for Literacy Program participant Doug Curtis
“I decided I wanted to better myself and further my education. I was scared. I didn’t think I was smart enough to do it. Then a good friend said to me, ‘Norma, you are smart and very capable of getting your GED. You deserve it.’ My partner has also been very supportive of my decision to go back to school. ‘The only way one fails at something at something is when you don’t try,’ he said. So, with those things in mind and the encouragement of my friends and family, I enrolled at Holland College.”
Norma Stac is a winner of a PEI Literacy Alliance Adult Bursary
“I believe learning to read is empowering.  It puts each person in better touch with their world and gives them confidence. Without exception, my learners have been excited about their new ability and have been more hopeful about their future.”
Volunteer tutor Margaret Knox

PEI Volunteers for Literacy

This program is the only free one-to-one literacy tutoring program for adults in PEI.

Our volunteer tutors are provided with professional development, resources, support and tutor matching services.

This program was made possible by the generous
support of United Way of Prince Edward Island.

There are no volunteer openings at this time.

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Stephen King

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Adult Learner Awards

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