
We have more than 50 member organizations that represent community organizations, businesses, government departments, government organizations, unions and educational institutions.

Members of the PEI Literacy Alliance are organizations passionate about building a culture of literacy, learning and prosperity on PEI.

Each member organization appoints a representative to attend, speak and vote on behalf of the organization at the PEI Literacy Alliance general meetings.

The Directors of the Governing Board of the PEI Literacy Alliance consists of 7-10 representatives of organizations, elected by its Membership.

The appointed representative of each member organization can:

  1.  Attend, speak and have one vote at all general meetings
  2.  Nominate a representative to be elected as a Director
  3.  Replace its representative if he/she/they is elected to the Board of Directors
  4.  Receive minutes of  the annual general meetings, the financial audit, newsletters and other reports produced by the PEI Literacy Alliance
  5.  Take part in the election of Directors through its representative

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